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End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy

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Jesus said that we must put first things first. God takes care of these details so that we can concentrate on living righteously. If we ignore what God wants us to do, we will be rejecting the ways He provides for us. But if we serve Him, He will take care of the rest. SING: Jesus Loves Me Read Matthew 7:7-11.
Number One Teacher (Name of teacher), I'm happy that you're my teacher; I enjoy each lesson you teach. As my role model you inspire me To dream and to work and to reach. With your kindness you get my attention; Every day you are planting a seed Of curiosity and motivation To know and to grow and succeed.
End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes
End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Birthday
End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Hour
End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Wishes
Be it the end or the beginning, a friend like you is always a blessing. I hope this year will bring a lot of happy moments for you and your family! The joy of welcoming a new year would seem less if a friend like you was not there. Thanks for all the good moments of friendship. Im so glad that we are friends. Philippians 4:10-13
January 3, 1999
This week I made a list of things to worry about as we start the new year. These things are not personal in nature, rather they touch on national and international issues that affect all of us.
1. The impeachment crisis in Washington
No one can say with certainty what will happen when the trial of President Clinton begins in the Senate in a few days.
2. Bombing in Iraq
This week the Iraqis fired on our planes and we launched missiles and dropped bombs on their radar and launch sites in southern Iraq.
3. New trouble in Israel
The recently signed Wye River Accords are beginning to unravel because Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his support in the Israeli Knesset and may be replaced, throwing the entire Middle East peace process into confusion once again.
4. Economic uncertainty throughout the world
In 1998 inflation in Russia reached 84. The Asian economies are in dire straits, and many economists are talking openly about a recession in the US in 1999.
5. Rising global tensions
A recent article in USA Today (January 1,1999) reports that 1999 begins with the world facing an upsurge in wars that have outstripped predictions of a year ago and raised concerns of a bloody end to the 20th century. Were not heading into a new world order, but an age of chaos, said Thomas Moore, director of international studies at The Heritage Foundation. Major flash points include Iraq, North Korea, Indonesia, the Middle East and the Balkans.
6. Y2K problem
The Chicago Tribune above-the-fold front page story for January 1 carried this ominous
headline: Millennium Bug lurks with time running out.
On Friday I spent some time on the Internet reading articles from USA Today, CNN, and MSNBC. It is obvious that we are living in a time of growing uncertainty and personal anxiety. One noted researcher argues that as we enter the 21st century we are moving from a period of basic world stability to a period of global instability. Many people feel this in a very personal way. We enter the final year of this century with some concern for what will happen to us and to our families. I know I am speaking to people with health concerns, financial worries, career issues, marital problems, spiritual struggles, unanswered prayers, and serious concerns about what the new year will bring for you and your loved ones. You may not be worried about Iraq or the Y2K problem, but you have your own issues that keep you awake late into the night.
Often we say Happy New Year rather gliblymany times without any thought at all. Perhaps we should make it a questionWill 1999 be a happy new year for you? In this message I want to give you some words of encouragement for the year that stretches before us. Instability is nothing new for the people of God. In every generation believers have faced moments when fear threatened to overwhelm faith. Gods word to his people is always Fear not. Years ago I remember reading that the phrase Fear not is repeated 365 times in the Bibleonce for every day in the year. No matter what happens in 1999or in the years to comeGods word to you is the same: Fear not.
Our text offers some practical help as we move forward. Philippians 4:10-13 is perhaps the greatest statement in the New Testament on the subject of Christian contentment. We need to hear Gods message to us in the midst of so much public and private uncertainty. A Place to Begin End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes
Id like to begin by offering my own three-part definition of contentment:
A) Contentment is the belief that I have everything I need at this present moment.
B) It is also the confidence that if I needed anything else, God would give it to me.
C) It is also the certainty that when I need anything else, God will give it to me.
The first part is the key. True contentment means understanding that at any given moment I have everything I truly need. I almost certainly dont have everything I want. And I probably dont have everything I think I need. This part of the definition means that God has so ordered the universe that no matter where you are right now you have everything you truly need to be content. Thats an awesome statementand I know its one thing to say that on Sunday morning, its something else to believe that when your husband walks out on you or the doctor says, Im sorry. Theres nothing else we can do.
How do we know this is true? We know it because God has said it is true. He has promised to supply our needs. He has guaranteed that he will feed and clothe us. He has promised to hear our prayers. He has given the Holy Spirit to lead us and the Word of God to guide us. He has redeemed us from our sins, given us new life, placed us in Christ, endowed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, seated us with Christ in heaven, given us abundant life, filled us with his Spirit, placed us in the body of Christ, promised us a way of escape in the moment of temptation, sent his angels to encamp around us, translated us from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of his dear Son, sealed us with the Spirit who is the earnest of our salvation, caused us to pass from death to life, justified us while we were still ungodly, called us his children, caused us to be born again by the Spirit, adopted us into his family, sanctified us, promised never to leave us, set our feet on the road to heaven, broken Satans power, removed the fear of death, and guaranteed our future resurrection.
If all that is true, how can we doubt that God will give us what we need when we need it? And if we truly need something else, hell give that to us too. Which means that if we dont have something we think we need, its because our heavenly Father knows best and has chosen not to give it to us right now. If we truly need it later, hell see that we get it.
That applies to every area of lifeto your finances, your job, your health, your marriage, your friendships, your children, your parents, every relationship of life, and to all your dreams for the future. Youve got everything you need to be content right nowand if youre not, please dont blame God. Its not his fault.
Lets take a look and see how this principle works out in this passage. I. Contentment is not automatic but must be learned over time.
Look how clearly Paul states this truth. In verse 11 he declares, I have learned to be content and in verse 12 he says, I have learned the secret of being content. Why did Paul have to learn contentment? Why wasnt it just given to him as a gift from God? The answer is that God is most glorified when we struggle through the process of being weaned from our dependence on the things of the world. The picture is one only a mother can fully understand. A child is born and for a long time he looks to his mothers breast as the source of his nourishment. Breakfast, lunch and supper all come from the same place. When he is hungry, he cries and his mother knows exactly what to do. Her milk satisfies him and back to sleep he goes.
But the day comes when he has to learn how to take a bottle. He cries, big tears roll down his face, his arms reach out but his mother pushes them away. He fights, he pouts, he screams, all to no avail. What has happened to mom? She who used to be his friend has now become his enemy. If mom has a heart at all, she cries too because from now on things will be different.
When the battle is over, when the tears have stopped, when he learns to eat with his brothers and sisters, then the child comes, lays his head on his mothers breast, not in order to be fed, but just because he wants to be near her.
Here is the truth: Unless a mother weans her child, he will never grow up. Though it may seem hard, and though the child misunderstands, if a mother truly loves her child, she will not stop until her child has been weaned from her breast. When the job is done, the child no longer begs for that which once seemed indispensable. Once he could not live without his mothers milk; now he no longer needs it.
To be weaned is to have something removed from your life which you thought you couldnt live without. Most of us live on the opposite principle. In our hearts we think, I would be happy if only I had a new car or a new job or a new dress or a new husband or a new wife. Since life is hardly ever that simple, we stay frustrated when we ought to be happy.
No wonder we are never satisfied. Instead of being weaned from the world, we are wedded to it. Or maybe I should say, welded to it. II. Happiness depends on circumstances; Contentment comes from my confidence in God.
Verse 12 lays this out very clearly. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. In case we missed it he adds this phrase, Whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Its easy to assume Paul means being well fed is good and going hungry is bad. But thats not correct. Poverty and prosperity both have their good usesand both can lead us astray spiritually. If we take the words of Jesus seriously, riches can wreck the soul much quicker than poverty (see Matthew 19:23-26).
The comedy film Cool Runnings is about the first Jamaican bobsled team to go to the Winter Olympics. John Candy plays a former American gold medallist who becomes a coach for the Jamaican team. The players grow to like the American coach and affectionately dub him Sled-god. Late in the story the coachs dark history comes out. In an Olympics following his gold medal performance, he broke the rules by weighting the U.S. sled, bringing disgrace on himself and his team. One of the Jamaican bobsledders could not understand why anyone who had already won a gold medal would cheat. Finally he nervously asked Candy to explain.
I thought I had to win, said the coach. But I learned something. If you are not happy without a gold medal, you wont be happy with it, either.
Paul knew that riches are not the way to contentment. So he was willing to hold material things with an open hand. He refused to become a slave to wealth. He could walk away from prosperity when service to the Lord demanded it. What about you? Are you killing yourself to get that gold medal? Let me remind you if youre not happy without it, you wont be happy with it either. III. Contentment rests on two great truths: A. That God has ordained every circumstance of my life.
I know of no truth more important than this. This week I was asked during a radio interview to explain why the wicked prosper while the righteous often suffer in this world. As a pastor I constantly face this question in dealing with the seeming inequities of life. Hardly a week goes by that I dont hear about someone in our congregation who is battling with cancer. What I cant explain is why it happens to one person and not to another. Not long ago I was given a test in a hospital to see if I had a certain form of cancer. Thats a little scary no matter how healthy you feel. The results were goodno evidence of cancer. But as I thought about it, it occurred to me that from a human point of view I had simply dodged a bullet. And maybe only temporarily. Last Sunday Roberta Hoppe and her children worshipped with us. That reminded me that her husband Len died almost exactly three years ago.
You can go through life asking, Why did this happen? and youll end up frustrated and disappointed because in this life there is rarely a satisfactory answer to that question. We simply dont know why some people live long and prosper while others never seem to catch a break. In the worlds terms, they are victims of bad luck. From the standpoint of Holy Scripture, we can only say that God is working out his plan in ways we cant see from our limited vantage point.
This becomes very personal when I pray with members of our congregation as they face the uncertainties of life. One thing Ive learned is that there are no guarantees, which is why a long time ago I stopped making promises about what God will do in a particular situation. Generally, I dont know what God is going to do, and Im content to leave matters in his hands.
In verse 12 Paul says I have learned the secret of being content. Dont you love secrets? Its always fun when anyone says, Let me tell you a secret. So what is the secret of contentment? I think the answer can be found in two phrases. First, in verse 11 he mentions whatever the circumstances, and then in verse 12 he says in any and every situation. Those two phrases would appear to cover all that life has to offer. The secret of contentment lies in understanding that nothing happens by chance, but everything is ordained by the hand of a loving God.
I like the word ordained because it is a very strong word. Some people may think it smacks of fatalism but to me it simply means that God is in charge of all the details of lifethe good and the bad, the positive, the negativeand he has ordained not only what happens to us, but when it happens, how it happens, where it happens, what happens before it happens, and what happens after it happens.
I know its easy to get hung up on that, and to worry about things like predestinationwhich is a very biblical concept. It helps to remember that from our point of view we simply see events unfold topsy-turvy, almost like a handful of dice that come rolling out of the sky. Everything seems random, nothing seems to have a purpose. And so we react to life as it comes, not knowing what tomorrow will bring.
Heres where biblical faith comes in. As I stand and watch those dice rolling all around me, I can look up and see the invisible hand of God blowing on the dice so that the numbers come up just the way he wants (see Proverbs 16:33). Nothing happens by chance. There is no such thing as luck or fate or kismet or happenstance.
Contentment is possible when I realize that everything happens for a purposewhether I see it or not. Usually I dont see as it unfolds before meand often I never fully understand it even in retrospect. This is where the First Rule of the Spiritual Life becomes so helpful: Hes God and were not.
That leads me to a personal question. Are you willing to let God be God in your life in 1999? Or do you intend to tell him how to do his job? You can be God or he can be Godand theres nothing in between those two options. As long as you try to be God, youll be miserable, frustrated, and very discontented because you were not made to run the universenot even the little patch of it you call your life. Even that small patch belongs to Godand youll never be happy or content until you surrender your right to run your own life and let God be God in all things. B. That God will give me strength in every circumstance to do his will.
This is the true meaning of Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. This verse, wonderful as it is, has sometimes been misused by well-meaning believers who make it say more than Paul intended. Occasionally people say things like You can do whatever you want to doPhilippians 4:13as if it were a magic formula that could make me a millionaire or give me wings to fly through the air. The phrase all things must be defined by its context. Paul is talking about being content in every circumstancewhether he had plenty or whether he had next to nothing. Verse 13 explains how he managed to live above his circumstances. He did it only by the power of Jesus Christ dwelling in him. For him, the secret of contentment was not a stiff upper lip or a positive mental attitude. He was content precisely because he had learned to rely completely on Jesus Christ.
This takes more than positive thinking. Youve got to have Jesus Christ on the inside. Are we who believe better than other people? No. Do we suffer? Yes. What makes the difference? We have the power of the indwelling Christ who gives us the strength we need.
Is it enough? Is Jesus Christ enough for the problems of life? Is his broken body enough? Is his shed blood sufficient? Is his intercession in heaven able to sustain us? Can his power meet the problems of life? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, and the saints across the ages testify that Jesus Christ is enough.
Show me a truly contented person and Ill show you a miracle. In this fallen world contentment cannot be explained apart from the supernatural power of Jesus Christ. The beauty is that if youre not a content person, if you havent experienced that miracle, you can simply by learning to lean on the Lord.
I come now to the end of my message. What will the final year of this millennium mean for the world, for America, for your family, for you personally? No one but God can answer those questions. But there is one thing we know. God has given us everything we need for this new year. Therefore we can be content whatever happens, and we need not fear the future. Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post? If you have a Facebook account, you may comment below:
Teacher poems of appreciation, gratitude, and admiration. Thank you teacher poems make teacher feel valued and respected, for an extra special Teacher Day.
Number One Teacher
(Name of teacher),
I'm happy that you're my teacher;
I enjoy each lesson you teach.
As my role model you inspire me
To dream and to work and to reach.
With your kindness you get my attention;
Every day you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and succeed.
You help me fulfill my potential;
I'm thankful for all that you've done.
I admire you each day, and I just want to say,
As a teacher, you're number one!
By Joanna Fuchs
This short Teacher Day poem is full of admiration. It's a rhyming poem.
The Teacher Gets A+
I look forward to your class
When I come to school.
You're an awesome teacher;
I think you're very cool.
You're smart and fair and friendly;
You're helping all of us.
And if I got to grade you,
From me you'd get A+!
By Joanna Fuchs
To view ALL our poem pages, see our SITE MAP
There are lots of requests for thank you teacher poems, so here's a free verse teacher thank you poem.
I Want To Be Like You
Thank you, teacher,
for being my life's role model.
When I consider all you've taught me
and reflect on the kind of person you are,
I want to be like you
smart, interesting and engaging,
positive, confident, yet unpretentious.
I want to be like you
well-informed and easy to understand,
thinking with your heart as well as your head,
gently nudging us to do our best,
with sensitivity and insight.
I want to be like you
giving your time, energy and talent
to ensure the brightest possible future
for each of us.
Thank you, teacher
For giving me a goal to shoot for:
I want to be like you!
By Joanna Fuchs
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Poems for teachers can compare teacher to a force of nature, as this thank you teacher poem does. This poem for teacher is one of my best Teacher Day poems. Looking for an inspirational teacher poem? This might be the one.
A Teacher for All Seasons
A teacher is like Spring,
Who nurtures new green sprouts,
Encourages and leads them,
Whenever they have doubts.
A teacher is like Summer,
Whose sunny temperament
Makes studying a pleasure,
Preventing discontent.
A teacher is like Fall,
With methods crisp and clear,
Lessons of bright colors
And a happy atmosphere.
A teacher is like Winter,
While it's snowing hard outside,
Keeping students comfortable,
As a warm and helpful guide.
Teacher, you do all these things,
With a pleasant attitude;
You're a teacher for all seasons,
And you have my gratitude!
By Joanna Fuchs
More Poems For Teachers From Students
There is a Sunday School teacher appreciation poem on the Christian poems page. There is a Christmas poem for a teacher on the Christmas poems page.
This short Teacher Day poem credits teacher with looking further than just the surface in this student.
I Have A Future
Thank you, Teacher,
For reaching deep in me
to find all I can be
before I can see it myself.
You never gave up on me.
I have a future
because of you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Teacher poems can be rhyming poems or free verse, as this teacher appreciation poem is. This thank you teacher poem can be used by students or administrators. To make this Teacher Day poem usable by a principal or administrator, change it to say, 'I'd show you the positive effect you have had on this school.' This is an inspirational teacher poem.
If I Could Teach You, Teacher
If I could teach you, teacher,
I'd teach you how much more
you have accomplished
than you think you have.
I'd show you the seeds
you planted years ago
that are now coming into bloom.
I'd reveal to you the young minds
that have expanded under your care,
the hearts that are serving others
because they had you as a role model.
If I could teach you, teacher,
I'd show you the positive effect
you have had on me and my life.
Your homework is
to know your value to the world,
to acknowledge it, to believe it.
Thank you, teacher.
By Joanna Fuchs Teacher Appreciation Poems
Looking for a thank you teacher poem? This sonnet is a teacher poem for older students and adults to give to their teachers or professors. Put this inspirational teacher poem on a classy looking card. It's a teacher appreciation poem certain to make an impact. It's one of my best poems for teachers.
Sonnet For An Unforgettable Teacher
(Teacher's name),
When I began your class I think I knew
The kind of challenges you'd make me face.
You gave me motivation to pursue
The best, and to reject the commonplace.
Your thinking really opened up my mind.
With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,
That what I'd choose to seek, I'd surely find;
You shook me out of my complacency.
I thank you now for everything you've done;
What you have taught me I will not outgrow.
Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;
In many ways that you will never know.
I will remember you my whole life through;
I wish that all my teachers were like you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Poems for teacher from students often describe teacher's best attributes. This teacher appreciation poem says it all. Your teacher would love getting this teacher poem.
The Most Admired Teacher
(Name of teacher),
The most admired teacher
Would be caring, kind and smart.
She'd always have her students'
Best interests in her heart.
She'd help us love to learn.
Her lessons would be clear.
She'd motivate with praise,
And always be sincere.
She'd be upbeat and supportive,
And a great role model too.
She'd be the perfect teacher;
She'd be just like you!
By Joanna Fuchs More Poems About Teachers
Poems about teachers are almost always complimentary. This Teacher Day poem expresses admiration and respect for teacher.
Good Guide
A smart and really good teacher
Should be a good guide, not a preacher.
Shed open each mind
Therein treasures to find;
Encouragement would be her best feature.
You have this good quality and more;
You inspire each brain to explore.
Our respect you are earning;
Youve made us love learning,
As no teacher has before.
By Joanna Fuchs
Teacher appreciation poems are very popular. This poem for teacher, in free verse, is an inspirational teacher poem and a positive message for teacher.
I'll Remember You Always
Rarely does someone
get to influence a person's life
in a positive way
for a lifetime,
as a teacher can,
fostering optimism and confidence,
providing knowledge that leads to success,
and being a good role model,
as you have,
and you are,
and you will...
I'll remember you always.
Thank you.
By Joanna Fuchs Teacher Day Poems
Poems for teachers from students should make the teacher feel good. This Teacher Day poem in free verse is a message for teacher that lets the teacher know how special he or she is.
I Wouldn't Know...
If I hadn't had you as my teacher,
I wouldn't know
how much fun learning can be,
satisfying to the brain and heart,
filling me with essential knowledge
I can use all my life.
I wouldn't know
some teachers stand out from others
in their desire to maximize
students' potential
for educational fulfillment,
success and happiness.
If I hadn't had you as my teacher,
I just wouldn't know.
By Joanna Fuchs
Teacher poems can talk about different kinds of teachers. We've all had teachers we remember all our lives, the star teachers. This teacher appreciation poem is for that kind of teacher. A poem for a teacher like this is really special.
Star Teacher
I always love your class;
Your teaching helps me see,
That to have a happy life,
Learning is the key.
You understand your students;
You're sensitive and smart.
You're a skillful teacher;
I knew it from the start.
I'm grateful for your wisdom
For the teacher that you are;
You're a very good person,
And as a teacher, you're a star!
By Joanna Fuchs
Poems for your teacher can be short but meaningful. Here's a short teacher appreciation poem, in free verse.
Rainbow Teacher
A good teacher is a brilliant light
illuminating the prism of life,
revealing to students
a rainbow of possibilities.
By Joanna Fuchs
Here's a poem about teachers that emphasizes how inspirational a good teacher can be in a student's life. It's a thank you teacher poem sure to make your teacher feel good.
Some Teachers
What we learn forms the filter
through which we view the world.
What we learn
determines how we live our lives.
Some teachers teach us the right things
and make them easy to understand.
Some teachers make learning fun,
a joy that enriches all we do.
Some teachers help lead us
toward success and happiness.
Some teachers are very important to us;
we will always remember them.
You are one of those teachers.
Thank you for being my teacher.
I really appreciate you!
By Joanna Fuchs Thank You Teacher Poems
This short thank you teacher poem sums up the lifetime value of a teacher.
Special Teacher
Special Teacher
What you taught me
in just a few minutes a day
will help me
for my lifetime.
Thank you.
By Joanna Fuchs
A message for teacher is often filled with gratitude, as this short thank you teacher poem is.
Important Teacher
When everything else was getting me down,
I'd come to school and lose my frown.
You'd teach me stuff I wanted to know;
With you, I learned; You helped me grow.
Important people are very few;
In my life, one of them is you.
Because of you, I got some smarts.
Thank you, Teacher, from my heart of hearts.
By Joanna Fuchs
Inspirational poems for teachers are in demand. This thank you teacher poem is perfect for Teacher Day.
The Best Teachers
Teachers open up young minds,
showing them the wonders of the intellect
and the miracle
of being able to think for themselves.
A teacher exercises
the mental muscles of students,
stretching and strengthening,
so they can make challenging decisions,
find their way in the world,
and become independent.
The best teachers care enough
To gently push and prod students
to do their best
and fulfill their potential.
You are one of those.
Thank you.
By Joanna Fuchs
This favorite teacher poem is a teacher appreciation poem sure to please. Rhyming poems for your teacher, like this one, are especially popular.
Thank You, Teacher
Thank you, skillful teacher,
For teaching me to be
A stronger, smarter person,
Thank you, favorite teacher
For acting like a friend,
And taking time to show me,
Lessons hard to comprehend.
Thank you for your caring
And lots of other stuff;
For all the things you gave me,
I can't thank you enough.
By Joanna Fuchs Short Teacher Poems
Teacher Day poems often address the lasting impact a teacher has on a student's life, as this short teacher poem in free verse does.
Changed Forever
My Terrific Teacher,
When you fed me knowledge,
you changed forever
my view of life
and the world.
I will always remember you.
By Joanna Fuchs
This short teacher appreciation poem has a casual, breezy tone that may appeal to many.
You're So Fine
Teacher, teacher youre so fine;
Im so glad that you are mine.
I cant wait to go to school.
You help me learn, and you're so cool.
When I graduate, I know
I'll remember you, wherever I go.
By Joanna Fuchs
Short poems for teachers can say a lot, like this inspirational teacher poem.
I Feel Good
Kind Teacher,
You conquered my fears
that I was dumb.
You focused on my smart strengths
and ignored the rest.
Because of you,
I feel good about me.
By Joanna Fuchs
This short teacher poem is perfect for a Teacher Day card.
My Teacher
My Teacher,
You taught me, inspired me
guided me, encouraged me
pushed me to do my best.
Thank you for caring about me.
By Joanna Fuchs
Short poems for teachers fit nicely in a card. Teacher Day poems should reveal your feelings. Let your teacher know all the ways he or she has enriched your life with these teacher poems. End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Birthday
A Privilege
You make my life better
both in and out of class.
Your lessons enrich my brain.
Your caring touches my heart.
You are an extraordinary person,
etched in my memory forever.
It is a privilege to know you.
Thank you, teacher, for being you.
By Joanna Fuchs Teacher Poem To Students
While students are looking for Teacher Day poems, perhaps teachers might like this rhyming poem as a teacher thank you poem to students at the end of the year.
Students Like You
With students like you, teaching is easy
I look forward to each day;
Your wondering minds keep me on my toes;
You make teaching more like play.
Students like you make teaching rewarding;
When I go home, I'm content;
You pay attention, you learngiving me
A sense of accomplishment.
Thank you for being the way you are,
For making my job so much fun.
I'll remember how good you made me feel,
Even when my teaching is done.
By Joanna Fuchs
Teacher Retirement Poems
Teacher appreciation poems should include poems for teachers who are retiring. This teacher poem is a teacher retirement poem. You can use this teacher retirement poem with a card or gift.
Now That You're Retiring
Now that you're retiring
We can tell you how we feel;
Our heartfelt admiration
Is deeply felt and real.
You've been a great role model
For teachers and each kid;
You showed us how to be
In everything you did.
We'll miss your fine example;
We'll miss the things you gave;
Our pleasant memories of you
We'll recall and carefully save.
We wish for your retirement
The best of all your days;
May you discover sweet fulfillment
In new and rewarding ways.
By Joanna Fuchs
Teacher retirement poems are in great demand. This teacher appreciation poem should linger long in the mind of the retiree.
As You Retire
As you retire,
know that we will miss you.
Every day, we will feel a gap,
an empty space in our lives
that used to be filled
with the pleasure of seeing you.
As you retire,
look back on your major accomplishment:
the lives you touched, influenced,
and improved forever.
As you retire,
know how important you are to everyone,
a gem, a unique treasure
that we could never replace.
As you retire,
be fulfilled, be happy, be at peace;
you deserve it.
By Joanna Fuchs
Funny teacher retirement poems are popular, so here's one.
No Stress Retirement
We worked together, and now you will leave,
Retiring to boredom we cant conceive,
With no stress, no strain, no deadlines to meet,
No worries about the verdict when a task you complete.
We who remain, we pity you so.
We wish you the best, and we want you to know,
If freedom and relaxation get too hard to cope,
Just think of us, and dont give up hope.
By Karl and Joanna Fuchs Preschool Teacher Poems
Teacher poems can be for students of different ages. Just as I designed 'Sonnet For An Unforgettable Teacher' for advanced high school or college level students as a poem for teacher, I also wrote preschool teacher poems. Here they are.
Special Teacher
Thank you special teacher
For helping me to know
The things I need to learn
To live my life and grow.
I feel good with you because
Your teaching makes me see,
If I work at it, I can do it.
Thanks for showing me!
By Joanna Fuchs
Poems for teachers that are written for young children are very popular. These Teacher Day poems and wishes can be used by kids on cards or with gifts.
Lessons Are Fun
I'm happy you're my teacher;
Thanks for all you do.
You make learning easy;
Your lessons are fun, too!
By Joanna Fuchs
Poems for teachers must include short poems from little kids. These short teacher poems from preschool and kindergarten kids will fit on a little card.
Mommy, Daddy and Teacher
Dear Teacher,
I love my mommy
and my daddy, too,
but the person
I think about most
is you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Here's another teacher poem for a younger child, a message for teacher. It's suitable for an end of the year poem for teacher or a goodbye poem for teacher.
We'll Remember You
Thank you teacher for helping us
To learn what we need to know
We'll all remember you
No matter where we go.
Thank you, teacher, for being
So nice and kind and good;
We like you so much, teacher,
We'd stay here if we could!
By Joanna Fuchs
Teacher Prayer
Many thousands of people are typing teacher prayer into their search box, so I wrote a free verse teacher poem to be used as a teacher prayer or teacher appreciation saying. Here it is.
Teacher Prayer
Dear Lord, bless these teachers mightily
as they seek to teach, enrich and guide
your precious children.
Grant them abundant resources to do their job,
intelligence, wisdom, sensitivity, kindness,
and the material things that make it possible
to turn some of these tender green plants
into the strong, stable trees that will lead our nation,
to transform some of these buds into brilliant flowers
that will bring light, color and happiness
to all who encounter them,
and to give every one of them the tools
to be creative, and productive and to develop
their own kind of success in the world.
Lord, wrap Your loving arms around these teachers
who give so much of themselves to grow our youth
into creative, responsible adults.
We pray that You will immerse them
in your boundless, transcendent love.
We pray that You will strengthen and soothe them
when they have given so much of themselves
that they need Your extra attention, Your extra care.
We love, respect and admire these teachers, Lord
and we pray that you will watch over them always--
these special people who hold our children
and our future in their hands.
By Joanna Fuchs
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Thanks for reading our teacher poems! These teacher appreciation poems are free for use on personal greeting cards, as teacher appreciation day messages, sayings, wishes and verses, provided that the author's name (Joanna Fuchs or Karl Fuchs) and our Web site address,, appear beneath the poem. (It can be small print; just so it's readable.) All other uses require permission. See our Terms of Use for details.
Write A Teacher Message To Tell the World
Why Your Teacher Is The Best!
Don't just think it; post your praise and give your teacher a card with a link to your page. Give examples of what your teacher has said, done and taught you that makes him or her extraordinary. Your teacher will love reading why you think he or she is special.
Please note: YOUR ORIGINAL WORK ONLY, posted only at Please DO NOT submit the work of someone else. Minimum 100 words; more is better, no limit. If your poem is too short, please add comments. Submissions are subject to approval and editing.
Teacher Messages and Poems
From Other Visitors
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this site. End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Hour
My teacher
A Teacher Message with some nice imagery. To my teacher: You are a role model, My inspiration, My motivation. To us you are an artist, Painting
Teacher Appreciation Messages
These teacher appreciation messages prove that students are very grateful to their teachers. Perhaps these words to describe a teacher, based on a metaphor End Of First Weekteach To Be Happy Wishes JUST A REMINDER: I get paid based on ad revenue now, so if you wouldnt mind whitelisting if you run an ad blocker that would be great.
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